Baby Peanut 'n' Me

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Someone touched me THERE?????????

I got your attention, didn't I? Well, that's what good journalism is about, sucking the reader in! Ha! I did it!

Anyway, there is some truth to the title of this blog -- I had my first touch of the tummy by someone other than Me, Brian and my nieces. A girl at work yesterday asked how I was doing and touched my belly! Yup, I have a belly to touch -- not just a flabby centre -- I have a rounded pregnant belly! I didn't mind it at all! Brian thought, since I'm not a touchy feely person, that people touching my baby belly would bother me, but it didn't! I think that it will only go on for another six months, and I can make it through that.

So I think this baby belly grew over night -- literally. About four days ago I was still wearing my normal clothes, they were just to say the least. Then about three days ago NOTHING fits except for my yoga/sweat pants. I tried on my work clothes -- no luck except for my black pin-striped suit, which at one point was tight in my life, and then I lost weight and it was falling off of me -- I always said it would be a good maternity suit -- and what do you know? It is! Anyway, it is kind fun now that I'm showing. It is weird, as well.

But I'm loving' it!

I have not been feeling good lately, quite nauseous, and no food appeals to me! I have tried to eat what I can. I made a beautiful dinner two nights ago for Brian, it was chicken cordon bleu -- I took a bite and that was it -- that was all I wanted :( So sad!

Well, I'm off to a rousing divorce today -- should be fun, they always are.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It really hit me yesterday...

So yesterday was the first time we heard Peanut's heartbeat. That REALLY made it sink in. There is actually a little person inside me with their own little heartbeat and their own little body. The doctor found the heartbeat no problem, and it was really cool to hear. It was really fast compared to mine.

I'm so excited to be a mom! It is getting more and more real. I think it will kick in more for Brian when the baby starts moving and I start showing. We wandered around Toys 'r' Us this afternoon just for the fun of it. There are a LOT of toys for kids. We really liked a lot of the play and learn type toys, but, of course, it will be quite a while before we will really start looking at getting some of those toys.

Anyway, life is better now that I'm starting to feel a little better. I had a relapse on Monday night of the pain -- apparently I shouldn't go to the gym quite yet. My boss told me that maybe I should call her before I leave the house so that she can stop me from doing stupid things like that ha ha ha ha ha ha!



We are getting more and more excited to meet you! You are growing, that's for sure. Hearing your heartbeat for the first time almost made mommy cry, because it was the first time I could kind of "feel" that you are really there. Daddy likes to look at all the fun toys in the store, and he talks about how much fun it will be to be a daddy!

Keep on growing!