Baby Peanut 'n' Me

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm a is why.

Well, we went to West Palm Beach, Florida, for a week. We got in late last night, but our luggage didn't. Oh well. So, the reason we were there? To relax...hang out...get a new job. Yup, hubby has a new job there. We are moving at the end of February. This is HUGE. What a massive move. It will be great. More to come, I'm sure. Here are some pics from the beach!

Also, in other BIG news -- Harrison started crawling yesterday!!!!!!!! He has been chasing the cats all day!


At 7:24 PM, Blogger Lori said...

How are you going to manage that huge move? And work? And your photography? And selling your house? And your stuff?
Can you work there or will you get to stay home? Is that where Brian's family is?

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Alyson said...

Thats huge news. What's his new job?


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