A scare in the hospital...
Well, we definitly had a scare yesterday. At about 2:30 in the morning yesterday I woke up with a chest pain and I couldn't get back to sleep. I rolled around and tossed and turned hoping to find a comfortable position to fall back asleep in -- I didn't. Finally, at 5:30 I decided I was going to try and come downstairs and sleep in the recliner, I couldn't use my left side of my body to push myself up and so I couldn't get out of bed. Then I woke Brian up and told him something was wrong. We decided to go to the hospital. We arrived around 6:00 and there was no on in the waiting room, so I was admitted quickly. The first diagnosis from the doctor was that he thought it could be a collapsed lung or blood clots. He did a bunch of blood work and an EKG to rule out any heart problems. Then he also did an x-ray of my chest. I got back to my room in the ER and it wasn't too long until the doctor appeared again, he said that my blood tests came back positive for blod clots and they were going to do two more tests to see where th blood clots were. So he did an ultrasound of my legs, since that is where most women get them, and that test came back negative. The doctor wasn't sure what to do next, so he contacted an internist who recommended a nuclear x-ray of my lungs to see if there was a blood clot. I didn't want to do a nuclear x-ray, because they have to inject you with a radioactive dye, which can be very harmful to the baby. But the doctor informed us that if I had a blood clot in my lung it could be fatal, and then both me and baby would die, or I could put the baby at risk by the x-ray and live. So obviously we didn't have any choice. I did the x-ray and the radioavtive dye. The tech at the nuclear x-ray said she had one of these done when she was pregnant and she worked in the nuclear x-ray deptartment through all three of her kids and they all turned out "normal". The results came back negative. So by this time I had been in the hospital for 10 hours and the doctor said there wasn't anything else he could dom, gave me some painkillers and sent me on my way. He said if anything changes or gets worse, to come back.
So, four hours later, we were back in the ER with more pain and it was now into my back and I still couldn't breath very well. So we spent three and-a-half hours in the ER until they admitted me again. The new doctor ran some more blood tests and another EKG, and then I talked to him about my pain and lack of sleep. He said he would give me some Morphine, but it wasn't good for the baby, but it was a catch 22, because the pain could get worse if I don't sleep and I need to sleep. So he gave me a small shot of Morphine. He came back about 20 minutes later and told me I either had costochondritis or pleurisy, pretty much just an inflammation of something in the area I was feeling pain. After doing some research on our own, we are pretty sure it is pleurisy.
The result is, I am in pain. I can't take a deep breath. My limbs go numb every once in a while. I have a migraine as a result of all of the fun I have been having.
Anyway, the good news is baby is fine. They don't think Peanut is in any danger, and I am taking the brunt of everything. They don't know how long this will last, and I can't take anti-inflammatories or antibiotics because I'm pregnant, so I have to tought it out. That's what is going on now.