Baby Peanut 'n' Me

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Mommy & Daddy love vacation. In fact, they just got home from one and within a few days bought tickets and booked the rental car for next year's vacation!

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's condo in Montana for a week! We had SOOO much fun! I was really good. Mommy got sick the day before we went, with the flu, but she was better the next day. We all got colds, but we are almost over them now.

While we were at the condo we did a LOT of shopping (well, mommy did) and we just relaxed. I slept in my playyard for the first time, and I LOVED it. Also, we went swimming! I LOVE SWIMMING. Well, mostly I just wonder why there are other people in my really big bathtub.

Anyway, my first real vacation was fun. Daddy spent a lot of time with me while mommy got a rest. I sure like my daddy. We play a lot and laugh A LOT. Mommy and Daddy and I laugh all the time.


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