Are you Baby Wise???
Well, I am an avid reader, and with the pregnancy, I have had to be choosy what I read, since there are SOOOOO many conflicting opinions out there on everything!
Anyway, my sister, and two of my sisters-in-law recommended "On Becoming Baby Wise" by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, M.D. Hubby is reading it too. We both really like pretty well all the principles in the book. It is mostly about how to get your baby on a schedule and sleeping through the night by 6-8 weeks. Now, I know that it won't work for every baby, but in my already sleep-deprived state, I'm willing to give it a shot.
I just thought I would put it out there for all those new moms-to-be and moms a few times around -- my sister and one of my sisters-in-law had a few kids before they read this book, and they said they saw a difference!
Happy blogging.
PS> Has anyone else had slight insomnia since/when they were pregnant????/
I have definitely not experienced any pregnancy induced insomnia, just the opposite actually.
Thanks for the book tip :).
What is the opposite of insomnia?
That's where I am, unless I take a nap during the day and then, for some reason, no matter how tired I am I find myself on the computer until forever o'clock.
Oh i definately got the insomnia, i'll be online at like 2-3am. Not good. Then i'll be all groggy and feeling cruddy. Hope i can sleep sometime soon. :)
I'll have to consider the book, thanks for the tip~!
I am sleeping a lot but I also wake in terror at night when I wake up on my back and not on my side where I am supposed to be! I read to much i know it.
Have you read "The Baby Whisper" by Tracy.... (I can't remember her last name)? A family friend had twin boys and was going crazy in the first few months with them, She got this book and swears that it saved her life. ALthough I haven't read it yet (I'm waiting for my own baby) I have given it to everyone that is expecting. They love it too!
Well, Hoping to Stay,
My mom says that all of us new moms to be worry too much. They didn't have doctors telling them all this stuff we hear about, i.e., not sleeping on our backs, and they slept on their backs and their babies and them were just fine, so I hope it doesn't stress you out too much! I just try and think that women went SO many years not knowing this stuff, and the world was is it ALL that bad? I totally know what you mean, though, I wake up on my back and turn to my side just out of habit now.
You think you are tired now, chick!! Ha! Ha! Just wait...
After child number 3 I thought I would never get a full nights sleep again - but I eventually did - after 14 MONTHS!!!!
And just when I thought I was back to normal sleep (didn't sleep well for over a year after my car accident, either) some of my children became teenagers, so it's back to getting by on whatever sleep I can get whenever I can get it!! LOL
Gee, thanks, sis. Yeah, mom told me that I will never have a full night's sleep again, oh ,well, that's my new life, I guess!
Hey there! I just got done reading through your early pregnancy entries. I am currently 9 weeks and really like to read how other women made it through their first trimester without going crazy! You are almost there!
Please tell me what didn't work for you and why. I am interested in your experience.
Take Baby Wise with grain of salt.
I'm reading it now for the second time for baby #2. Our first slept for 8 hours/night at 6 weeks consistently.
The idea of eat, play, sleep is what we have taken from the book and to this day with our 2 year old we do every day. "I" believe that you shouldn't put your kid to sleep and then put them in their bed, i.e, feeding them to sleep, rocking them to sleep, etc. They need to learn to go to bed awake but tired and they will learn to fall asleep without an aid, like a boob or rocking. This way when they stir in the night they aren't waking up just to be held/fed.
Keep reading, I've recommended it to many people.... some haven't cared for it but they also only did some part of it and didn't embrace the whole idea.
Now, I think the sleep whisperer is crazy! It is heart breaking to listen to your baby scream for three nights straight. Just try it.
The eat, play, sleep is the part we like best about the book, and the part my sister and sisters-in-law have recommended about it too.
I don't think I could listen to my baby cry for three nights straight -- but I will definetly look at the other books to see what people like and don't like about them.
Thank you so much for your comments!
Thanks for everyone's input into this topic!
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