Doctor doesn't think its twins -- WHEW!
Well, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and he only heard one heartbeat, not two! It took him a while to find the heartbeat, which, of course, scared me a little, but he found it and it sounded just like it was supposed to, he said.
We will be going for an ultrasound soon! Brian thinks I'll cave in the ultrasound and want to find out if it is a boy or a girl, but I have never wanted to know -- I think that is all part of the whole experience. I have never believed in finding out what you are having, but that's just me. So we aren't going to find out! I started feeling the baby moving around in there, but it is only usually when Peanut is near my kidneys or is pushing on something that pushes on my kidneys. I feel great.
The pleurisy still acts up every once in a while, but I know not to overdo it now. The doctor said I can head back to the gym, but only for light weights and walking, no running or eliptical trainer for me. I have been trying to get out and walk every few days at least, and that feels good. Right now I have been trying to go to the mall and walk -- don't worry, family that knows me, I haven't spent any extra money, other than the few gifts we needed to get people for Christmas -- and I love walking in the mall, there is always something to look at, and I can people watch too, which I love.
Anyway, that's about all from mommy-to-be land!
You look great and even though you have a belly I can tell that you have lost some weight before you got prego.
As for finding out. Tim and I didn't with Dakota and wee did with Ethan. if I was to get prego again I don't think I would find out. I like the surprise better.
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